Friday, December 01, 2006

The Portrait Project Continues!

For the first time, in a very long time, I placed myself in front of the camera. And learned a bit of empathy for my own subjects.

In the middle of our tight schedule, we found a hole where we could fit me in. After all, I had been hanging around the club for years and made my own contributions by creating photographs for posters and brochures.

Setting up the lights and the position was easy. But, sitting there was not. Nor was the makeup or the direction from Joy, my make up artist, and Jessica, my assistant.

Not that they were difficult. In fact, they were quite supportive. It was my own anticipation of the light and the pose and my own ego in the way. Surely, I don't look like that! Where did that grey in my beard come from? Gosh, no more donuts between setups!

No, my crew was, as always, supportive and creative. Despite having to work with a prima dona like me!

My thanks to Joy for putting up with my complaining about makeup under my eyes. You were right, of course. And, thank you to Jessica for, ahem, pulling the trigger on this one.

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