Monday, April 14, 2008

Industrial Lighting and Adapting Photography


So, there we were, in a dark room, with a gazillion volts of electricity stored in huge banks of batteries. High voltage signage everywhere. A deep hum, charged with menace, replaces the whir of ventilation fans from the data center we were just shooting in.

We went from brilliant flat lighting to almost no lighting at all. And, the concept called for shooting into a dark cabinet, while the technician does... well, whatever they do in there. (When I asked him, he said, "Mostly, we try not to get zapped!")

I looked up and saw three different tubes of flourescent lighting, two tungsten cans and something that may have been a mercury vapor.

I looked at my assistant, who shrugged back at me, and I said, "Get the secret weapon!"

Under the technician's careful supervision, we tucked it back in the cabinet and plugged it in. Added a couple of gelled lights and reflectors around the outside and started shooting.

So, what is the secret weapon? An LED worklight from the hardware store.

Perfect for those hard to reach, tucked in spaces, to add dimensionality to any photoshoot!

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