Friday, September 15, 2006

September Image

Spiral #3, Limited Edition, Archival Pigment Print, 10x14

This is part of a new, personal series I am working on, called "Found on the Beach."

For years, I have wandered parts of the coast line along the eastern seaboard, collecting bits of this and that. Unfortunately, the earlier items were lost as my parents edited my collection or disappeared during the several moves that we all go through. But a significant portion still remains, hiding in boxes or under the dust on my shelves.

And, during this past summer's vacation, my two boys have started creating their own collections.

So, it was time to do something with these fossils and rocks.

Shell #3, Limited Edition Archival Pigment Print, 10x17

These images are a few of the collection, and I hope to continue the series over the winter.

Stay tuned for more!
